OpenELEC on the Asus AT5IONT-I with sound over HDMI

For the past couple of months I’ve been running XBMC on a Windows 7 installation. Worked pretty much instantly after installing, but the boot times were horrible, and every now and then windows updates would nag. When I bought the box I briefly tried XBMCBuntu, but concluded that it was too much tinkering to get it working and gave up.

However, today I set out to give OpenELEC a try. Almost everything worked out of the box, except for audio over HDMI. I’ve tried most of the things on the wiki, but couldn’t get it to work in both the video as well as the XBMC menu. Most people seem to be satisfied with just the video, often calling the XBMC menu sounds “obnoxious”, but I’m rather fond of those, so I set out to fix it.

Here’s a quick guide on what I did.

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